General Board Member Duties

  1. Identifying the needs of the community
  2. Establishing the Agency Mission Statement including long- and short-range goals of the Agency and evaluating progress in meeting them
  3. Formulating strategic plans for Community Action, Inc.
  4. Approving overall plans and priorities
  5. Determining major personnel, fiscal and program policies
  6. Hiring and firing of the Executive Director
  7. Overseeing the extent and quality of the participation of the poor in the programs of Community Action, Inc.

It is in the best interest of CAI and the low-income constituents served by the organization to have a highly effective, fully engaged, tripartite Board of Directors. The tripartite structure is a mandate of federal regulation and Wisconsin State Statutes.    It requires that one-third of the CAI board of directors be local elected officials or their representatives, one-third consumers and one-third private representatives.

If you are not already a Community Action Board Member but would like to join our team, please send an email or call 608-313-1300.

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