Weatherization program community action 2Community Action Housing Programs

Our Housing programs offer a variety of options for low-income households.

Our Permanent Supportive Housing Program, Rapid Rehousing Program, and Twin Oaks Shelter for the Homeless use the Coordinated Entry Pre-Screen system:

Coordinated Entry means “no wrong door”. If you are in need of housing assistance, rather than apply at several agencies you can complete a pre-screen form to determine eligibility for multiple housing programs in Rock and Walworth counties.

Based on your current situation and level of need, you will be referred to the Rock-Walworth Prioritization List. If/when a program has an available housing opportunity, the person or family with the greatest level of need will be contacted by the program with the opening.

To apply through the Coordinated Entry Pre-Screen system in either Rock or Walworth County, call (608) 313-1300.